Capcom’s recently released Dragon’s Dogma 2 has caught the attention of many players with its expansive world, intricate storylines, and mysterious mechanics. One of these gameplay mechanics is the Dragon Plague, a mysterious and dangerous phenomenon that can make gameplay difficult if not properly addressed.

This disease is transmitted between pawns, and your allies in the game, whether created by the developers or hired from other players through the Rift. Transmission of the disease occurs during battles with dragons, making it even more mysterious and dangerous.
While players are unaffected by the disease, infected pawns can seriously affect your gaming experience and even ruin saves. To avoid disaster, you must be careful and spot the early signs of the plague. The player community has already developed some methods to combat this disease that can save your party from defeat.
The Madness of Dragon’s Plague in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The dragon plague was a topic of discussion even before the game’s release, and its effects only became clear after the release. The devastating effects of the disease emphasize the importance of fighting it to avoid serious problems in the game.
In Dragon’s Dogma 2, Dragon’s Plague is a special type of contagious disease, different from other diseases in the game. It can only infect pawns, and your allies, and is transmitted both when fighting dragons and through the rift if you add an infected pawn to your squad. This disease does not show up in the pawn status menu, making it difficult to detect.

The effects of the plague can be catastrophic: infected pawns can turn into shadow dragons, destroying cities and towns, including all NPCs and questmasters when the player rests in an inn that houses an inn. This poses a serious challenge to gameplay, as the deaths of key characters can slow or stop the player’s progress. And it can give you a challenge in your adventure, creating a unique story to dive into.
Because the dragon plague freezes until the player rests in the inn, the problem with it cannot be avoided, as resting in the inn leads to a new save. However, there are ways around this limitation, especially on PC where mods can be used.
How can it be detected and treated?
When you start the game in this open world, every pawn seems to be fine. But here’s the catch: you have no way of knowing if she’s infected or not until you decide to hire her. And then, just as you’ve given her the job, this grim textbook on dragon plague appears as if out of nowhere. Now you have to make a decision quickly: do you want to risk leaving this infected pawn on your team, or do you want to send her straight to the expense?

But here’s the catch: after you’re already sucked in, it turns out that identifying the infestation isn’t so easy anymore. The pop-up window no longer appears to prompt you. Now you need to be wary because some clues can help. If you have a chance to get close and look into the eyes of this pawn, pay attention: if they are glowing red, it’s a sign that it has the dragon plague. You will be able to see a ripple in the eyes of such pawns. Some have also noticed that infected pawns sometimes clutch their heads in pain or fall to their knees, demanding support and comfort from the player.

As time passes, the disease makes them more and more reckless, as if they are pursuing some sort of their own goals in battle. Then they become stubborn, refusing to follow your instructions and shouting something like, “I decide what to do!” Listen carefully, and remember who said what.
How long this terrible disease can possess a pawn before it turns into a dragon and creates a hellish scorcher in the city, no one knows. So it’s best to re-insure yourself and send them away before it’s too late. If your main pawn is infected, the only way to get rid of this scourge is to kill it or give it to death in battle and then hire a new one. Some say that a main pawn will recover if it passes the infestation to another player’s pawn.
Timeline and recovery from dragon plague
In the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2, the time before the dragon plague reaches catastrophic levels remains a mystery. Estimates point to it happening after a few game days, roughly 4-5. This gives players some time to recognize the signs and symptoms of the disease and take action before it is too late.
Thus, don’t try to just “pass the time” by sleeping for days on end, especially after fighting dragons or hiring new pawns. You’ll need at least some time in the game to identify the infestation, and that won’t happen if you just sleep.
If you still can’t deal with the dragon plague before disaster strikes, or only found out about it after the tragedy, there are ways to at least partially mitigate the damage.
First, there’s information that after a week or two in the game, the main story NPCs in the affected towns may come back to life. While this may seem like a glitch, it’s still worth checking out before doing anything else.
Also in the game are resurrection stones, rare items that allow you to resurrect dead NPCs, including important quest-givers. However, they are available in limited quantities and require three shards to use. Shards can be found in chests or for completing quests.

In addition, there is a special kind of Eternal Resurrection Stone that can be obtained by finding the Sphinx and solving its riddles. This stone will revive everyone in the settlement you are in and is your only “free card” in case of trouble.
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